
COVID-19 is a dry run for climate change: how to design resilience into Canada's food system.

COVID-19 is a dry run for climate change: how to design resilience into Canada's food system.

Pour ceux d'entre nous qui se demandent comment la pandémie affecte nos agriculteurs et donc notre accès aux aliments frais, notre prochaine interview est avec Jane Rabinowicz @jane_rabinowicz directrice exécutive de SeedChange.

In case you were wondering how the pandemic is affecting farming and our access to fresh food, our next interview is with Jane Rabinowicz, executive director of SeedChange @weseedchangeorg !

INSPIRE+DO GOOD#3: Annabel Soutar, activiste en théatre/theatre activist

INSPIRE+DO GOOD#3: Annabel Soutar, activiste en théatre/theatre activist

(EN below)

Annabel Soutar est la co-fondatrice de Porte Parole, une compagnie de théâtre documentaire fondée en 2000. Elle et son partenaire Alex Ivanovici produisent des pièces de théâtre sur des sujets ambitieux tels que la santé, les bulles financières, la globalisation et l’immigration. Leur objectif ? De provoquer et susciter le dialogue citoyen.

Annabel is the co-founder and artistic director of Porte Parole, a documentary theatre company she founded in 2000 with her husband Alex Ivanovici to focus on social conflicts in Quebec and Canada. From GMOs to access to fresh water, from racial profiling, to energy politics. Annabel’s goal is to use theatre for democratic dialogue, and to promote curiosity, creativity and critical thinking between diverse people.

INSPIRE+DO GOOD#2: MissMe, Street Artist/e de rue

INSPIRE+DO GOOD#2: MissMe, Street Artist/e de rue

MissMe est une artiste activiste qui à quitté le monde de la pub pour créer des images qui sont non seulement impossibles à ignorer, mais qui  nous font questionner : comment une femme se voit-elle ? À qui appartient sa sexualité ?  Nous luis avons demandé ce qui lui fait peur, ce qui l'inspire, et plus. 


MissMe is a Montreal-based activist who gave up her 'real' job in advertising to become an artist whose work asks women to examine how they see themselves, and asks men to examine how they view women. We asked her what scares her, what inspires her, and more.